Student Opportunities and Services

Attendees at the Tri-Beta Chili Cook-Up

Get involved in the biology community

Team up with other biology students, broaden your skill-set and connect beyond the classroom.

Join biology clubs

Clubs are a great way to meet other Bears who share your passion for biology. You can take part in networking events and enjoy practical opportunities to apply your skills.

Students looking at a fish aquarium in awe.
Meet professionals, gain experience and learn the key skills used in fisheries and aquatic science.
Group selfie of Missouri State Tri-Beta Biological Honors Society members along a hiking trail.
Extend your boundaries and team up with other high-achieving biology Bears.
Bird Banding with Dr. Janice Greene and biology students.
Get out, enjoy nature and learn about birds. An MSU chapter of the National Audubon Society.
Medical students in a graduate-level class conduct practice medical check-ups.
Aspiring dentist? Learn tips and advice for applying to dental schools.
Three student members of Missouri State's Pre-Med Society sitting at a table during an informational event on campus.
Find information and guidance for your big goal: getting accepted to medical school.
Physician assistant studies students working in a lab on campus.
Preview the role of a PA and enhance your credentials for graduate school.
A student feeds a young puppy.
Connect with other future animal doctors and prepare for veterinary school.
A student touches a large plant in the campus garden.
Go green around campus and the community.
Wildlife Society members at an informational event on campus.
Enjoy the outdoors as you preview careers in wildlife biology, conservation and management.

Enhance your education

Explore biology around the world. Showcase your knowledge.

Enrich your global perspective by studying diverse ecosystems. Past opportunities have included trips to Ecuador, Jamaica and the Galapagos.
A biology student at her posterboard talks about her research topic to another student during Undergraduate Research Day.
Research is a big part of all Missouri State biology programs – including at the undergraduate level. You'll have opportunities to publish and present, like Undergraduate Research Day.

Experience college life with other aspiring biologists

Find your place on campus in Missouri State's Living-Learning Communities.

Get a comprehensive education by connecting with like-minded students.

A small group of STEM LLC students doing arts and crafts during move-in weekend.
Take part in hands-on learning, field trips and outreach events with STEM students like you.

Need some help?

Use free resources around campus to aid your academic journey.

Find more help through the Guide to Services.