Biology Undergraduate Program

A small statue of a Bear with its intestines and bones exposed

Find your niche in the natural world

Journey into a study of Earth's ecosystems and inhabitants, from the tiniest molecules to the largest species of wildlife.

A biology degree opens doors to extensive research, education and career opportunities.

Options: Specialize in your area

Customize your studies with a comprehensive biology degree.

Pick an option that matches your strengths and goals. A minor is not required.

Biology professor Dr. Debra Finn and a group of students collect samples from a local creek for research.
Discover how nature, environments and organisms interact together.
A student uses a pipette to add a liquid to a test tube in his cellular biology class. Beside him, another student watches.
Explore cell and molecular biology, genetics and geonomics, microbiology and modern biotechnologies, including nanotechnology.
Angelina Call, a high school science teacher and MSU alum, smiles as her students raise their hands to answer a question during class.
Inspire the next generation of biologists.
A student admiringly observes the fish in a colorful aquarium at Wonders of Wildlife.
Faciliate the health and wellbeing of wildlife and ecosystem services.

Why major in biology at Missouri State?

Biology students on a field look in awe at a snake coiled on the ground.
  • Unearth your interests – Cover the basics and see how the study of life connects with diverse subject areas.
  • Get guidance from the experts – Learn from internationally-respected faculty and advisors who understand your interests and will help you reach your goals.
  • Have hands-on learning – Enhance your education with study abroad experiences and internships. Explore summer course work at research labs and field stations.
  • Find a path that works for you – Choose from multiple options in various biology topics.

Prefer more flexibility in your studies?

A non-comprehensive degree in biology is the way to go.

Three biology students in white lab coats and BearWear pose together outside of Blunt Hall.
Cover biology's fundamentals. Ideal for double-majors or pre-health students.

Degree options

Want to major in biology? Review the program requirements for the exact courses you need to take.

Use a four-year plan as the guide for your overall schedule.

Accelerated master's: Get a head start on your future

Earn graduate credit as you complete your undergraduate degree (major).

Biology minor

Already have a major? Enhance your degree with a biology minor.


Two biology students pose next to a Bear statute outside Blunt Hall. One student is holding a snake. The other student is wearing a white lab coat.
Careers and Outcomes
A bachelor’s degree in biology is your stepping-stone into the workforce or professional/graduate school.