Microbiology and Biotechnology Track

A student uses a pipette to add a liquid to a test tube in his cellular biology class. Beside him, another student watches.

Fuse tech with science

Explore the cutting edge of cells, genetics, microorganisms and modern biotechnologies. Use the latest technology to grow your research skills.

Why take the microbiology and biotechnology track?

  • Gain in-depth knowledge about the workings of cells and systems.
  • Build your experience with the latest technology in our state-of-the-art facilities.
  • Develop strong research skills that will provide a firm foundation for your future career.
  • Qualify for high-tech industry jobs.

Degree options

Want to take the microbiology and biotechnology track? Review the program requirements (BS, Comprehensive) for the exact courses you need to take.

Use the four-year plan below as a guide for your overall schedule.

Get a head start on your future

Earn two degrees, sooner.

An accelerated master’s program allows you to earn graduate credit as you complete your undergraduate (bachelor's) degree.

A biology student and teaching assistant do a demostration on data analysis during lab class.
Careers and Outcomes
Lead the way in developing new tools and resources for scientific discovery.