Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Track

A student admiringly observes the fish in a colorful aquarium at Wonders of Wildlife.

Thrive on the wild side

Take a big step in your professional development.

This track can help you become a Certified Wildlife Biologist (CWB) or pursue federal roles.

Why take the wildlife and fisheries biology track?

  • Learn to manage animals and their habitats.
  • Build solid research skills though unique lab and field experiences.
  • Gain experience with animal physiology, demographics and interactions.
  • Meet the academic requirements for certification as a wildlife biologist by The Wildlife Society or for federal wildlife positions.

Degree options

Want to take the wildlife and fisheries biology track? Review the program requirements (BS, Comprehensive) for the exact courses you need to take.

Use the four-year plan below as a guide for your overall schedule.

Get a head start on your future

Earn two degrees, sooner.

An accelerated master’s program allows you to earn graduate credit as you complete your undergraduate (bachelor's) degree.

Five biology students hold up crawfish they caught on a field trip to a local stream.
Careers and Outcomes
Immerse yourself in the outdoors. Study and interact with fascinating species in their natural habitats.